The Cheapest International Flights I've Purchased

I think there is a definite misconception about the cost of travel - or at least the wide range there can be. Whether it’s because you haven’t seen enough representation, because of perfectly curated luxury Instagram feeds, or perhaps because not enough people want to talk about their travel finances, you might have felt that traveling out of the country was out of the realm of possibilities for you.  

But I’m here to bust that myth and show you that there are affordable international flights available, and to pretty awesome places at that!

Today, I am literally going through my receipts in old email accounts and old credit card statements to show you my cheapest international flights I’ve purchased over the last decade, from various cities I’ve lived in. I am purposely choosing to show you the full price of the flight, even for flights that I have used my credit card points to purchase.

The Cheapest International Flights I’ve Purchased

All prices are in USD with airline taxes and fees included.

NYC - Mexico City, Mexico - $225 roundtrip

AUS - San Juan, Puerto Rico - $235 roundtrip

NYC - St. George, Bermuda - $265 roundtrip

NYC - Oslo, Norway - $275 roundtrip

NYC - Providenciales, Turks and Caicos - $295 roundtrip

NYC - Reykjavik, Iceland - $299 roundtrip

LAX - Cancun, Mexico - $334 roundtrip

NYC - Zurich, Switzerland - $348 roundtrip

NYC - Calgary, Canada - $387 roundtrip

NYC - Guatemala, Guatemala - $423 roundtrip

LAX - Honolulu, Hawaii - $429 roundtrip

NYC - Beirut, Lebanon (on NYE) - $497 roundtrip

NYC - Bangkok, Thailand - $500 roundtrip

NYC - Bogota, Colombia - $549 roundtrip

NYC - Moscow, Russia (2018 World Cup) - $656 roundtrip

As you can see, there are many options to fly international from the United States for under $500, even more options than I’ve shown here!! What is even better, is that once you are in another region, traveling to neighboring countries is ridiculously cheap with local airlines or trains (especially in Europe or Asia). I have (no joke) purchased roundtrip tickets between neighboring international countries as low as $15 roundtrip.

I have 4 specific tips in How to Start Traveling if You’re #BallinOnABudget and another 5 actionable tips in How to Travel While Working a Full-Time Job that walk you through step-by-step on how to find international flights at these prices, just as I have. It just takes a little change of mindset and flexibility.

I hope that this post was insightful and perhaps eye-opening to the fact that you don’t have to break the bank to fly international. International travel can be attainable for you and your budget.

Til next time!


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